Apache Ignite Storage Engine Architecture: Tradeoffs and a Retrospective

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Apache Ignite native persistence storage engine follows a classic database approach that is based on ARIES architecture. However, Ignite developers needed to adjust the architecture to increase development velocity and facilitate memory-only storage. After an overview of the storage engine, you will learn about the tradeoffs that Ignite developers made during development and about the reasons that drove the developers’ decisions. Also, you will learn about the difficulties that were encountered during the implementation of the chosen approach in Java and how the Ignite community overcame the difficulties. This under-the-hood talk is for architects and engineers who want to learn more about ARIES and Apache Ignite architectures.

Alexey Goncharuk

Querify Labs Chief Researcher

Alexey has 10 years of experience building complex distributed systems and data storages. Before Querify Labs, Alexey worked at GridGain, where he was responsible for the overall product architecture, playing a pivotal role in developing persistence, replication, and transaction protocol for the Apache Ignite project. Alexey's area of interest includes query optimizers, concurrent algorithms, and formal methods. Alexey is a committer to the Apache Ignite project.

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