Delivering lowcode machine learning powered by Ignite ML
In this session we'll take a look at the journey of bringing a lowcode ML feature into our platform. The session will talk through the challenges Hypi is solving for its customers and how Ignite ML enable us to achieve our goals relatively quickly. We'll also look at how Ignite enabled all of this and briefly cover one of the use cases from a customer that built their ML enabled product in less than two weeks using our platform. This talk is a mixture of customer user story and a short deep dive into how Hypi enables ML with Ignite, Spark and Tensorflow to be used by developers with little to know experience with ML.
Courtney Robinson
Courtney is co-founder and CEO of Hypi, a lowcode cloud or on-premise platform being used by enterprises and startups to deliver intelligent and simple solutions to large and complex problems. Courtney's a part time PhD studying correctness in distributed systems and still an active part of Hypi's core development team.