Ignite summit schedule
Is Apache Ignite a Swiss Army Knife? Not Really…
As Apache Ignite approaches its 10-year anniversary, it is being used in more and more systems and applications and in an increasing variety of use cases. Given the dizzying pace of Apache Ignite adoption, it is not uncommon to hear that Apache Ignite is like a “Swiss army knife,” a tool that can be used for all data-processing use cases. Well, it is not… Join the founder and CTO of GridGain Systems, Nikita Ivanov, as he shares his view on the “Swiss army knife” analogy and details the three use cases for which Apache Ignite was designed. These use cases, which are often interconnected and interdependent, are found today in each and every installation of Apache Ignite: - Data caching and application acceleration - Digital integration hub - Co-located compute

Nikita Ivanov
Founder and CTO of GridGain Systems, Nikita Ivanov provides the vision and leadership at GridGain to develop the world’s top in-memory computing platform, now used by thousands of organizations around the globe to power business-critical systems and enable digital transformation initiatives. Nikita has over 25 years of experience in software application development, building HPC and middleware platforms, and contributing to the efforts of other startups and notable companies including Adaptec, Visa and BEA Systems. Nikita was one of the pioneers in using Java technology for server-side middleware development while working for one of Europe’s largest system integrators in 1996. He is an active member of Java middleware community and contributor to the Java specification.