Ignite summit schedule

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What’s New and Cool in Apache Ignite 3

Ignite 3.0 is a big step forward for the Apache Ignite community. It brings overarching improvements in all areas, plus some specific new features. You’ll get information on those new features as well as changes to nomenclature, transactional specifics, SQL improvements, split-brain and replication capabilities, and a lot more. Not only will you learn about the new features, but you’ll see them in action in a live demo! Come to this talk to learn about: - Modern APIs. - Performance. - Transactional SQL engine. - New CLI and REST management tools. - Architecture insights. - Too much to list!

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Pavel Tupitsyn

Pavel Tupitsyn

Apache Ignite.NET maintainer | Lead .NET Engineer at GridGain

Pavel has been developing on the .NET since 2005. He has done everything—from back end, front end, desktop, and games to medical software. For the past seven years, as a member of the project management committee (PMC) of the Apache Ignite Foundation, Pavel has been developing client network protocols and .NET integrations for Apache Ignite.

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